An experiential, knowledge-packed, Nature journal for children, covering various themes of Environment, Sustainability and Conservation. Our focus is to get our young readers to forge deep connections with Nature through knowledge. Released bi-monthly in print and digital formats.
For young readers, ages 7 years and older.
Inspired by Nature.
Our belief that nature is at the centre of everything we do, distils into The Youth COSMO Periodical in every word and colour.
Learning by doing
The periodical helps our young readers understand complex concepts explained in a simple, conversational manner using relatable scenarios, activities and live projects.
Fuel curiosity
Observing a colony of ants or how a wind pollinated seed is structured! Going away from the obvious, we get our readers to observe, explore and get inspired by nature around them.
Promote ownership and decision-making
Get involved in activities that let your child take ownership, make decisions, work in a team and find a way out in sticky situations.
Cultivate deep connections
Connect with the 5 core elements of nature. Understand not just how it works but also be able to question ‘why something is the way it is’?

What do you get?
A 20-pager elaborate and visually immersive literature, delivered bimonthly
Covers multiple subject themes like life sciences, physics, climate science, art and more
Presented in interactive formats like stories, games, poems, DIYs
Complex concepts gamified to increase retention of knowledge
Packed with games, activities, stories, essays, real-life examples, projects and more.
Going beyond academics
Our intention is to be a part of your child’s growth journey, taking them beyond studies and academics. The periodical essentially brings about a positive behavioural change in your child which will stay with them for the rest of their lives.
All round knowledge about sensitive global issues
Develop Naturalistic intelligence
Build the child’s personality
Increase empathy towards other living beings
Get exposed to areas beyond academics, that matter for higher education
Offer career and volunteering opportunities in wildlife, environment conservation and allied areas.

The themes covered in every issue of the periodical are based on 6 core subject areas within the Environment and Sustainability space.
The subjects will be touched upon in some or the other way in the periodical in sync with the theme.

Why does the Banyan tree have roots growing from its branches? Are bats really dangerous? Why do animals roam in packs? We help children understand facts about living organisms rather than just their existence and function.

What causes Earthquakes? What do different coloured rocks mean? Going beyond the basics of Earth Science, we help children understand the pulse of the planet.

Getting children to witness the process of agriculture in the real sense and understand the relation between the way our food is grown and how it impacts our health.

Not limited to just learning about composting, but helping children adopt a ‘reduced wastage’ lifestyle.

Through play and using a positive, solutions focused approach we allow children to learn about these complex topics in their early years without creating anxiety. We rather focus on making them feel empowered and excited about their role as Earth Warriors to protect the planet.

Helping young people understand the impact of human activities on nature and promote environmentally conscious mindset among young people.

The periodical packs content that is REAL. It has stories that are inspired by on-ground experiences and information that is a direct reflection of field observations.
All of this comes from our rich panel of contributors. These are eminent people - field biologists, environmentalists, changemakers, teachers, parents, artists! - coming from distinct backgrounds who share their research, their time, and their experiences which eventually make the periodical wholesome.

Historian, Archeologist, Environmentalist, Researcher and Author

Teacher, Botanist, Naturalist, Indologist, Mountaineer, Author

Vani Murthy
Urban Gardener, Co-Founder SWMRT

Pooja Bhale
Nature Educator, Founder - Protecterra Ecological Foundation

Anuj Khare
Founder - Naturewalk Charitable Trust, Honorary Wildlife Warden of Pune

Sanjay Sondhi
Taxonomist, Founder - Titli Trust

Ornithologist, Researcher, Scientist with the BNHS Mumbai

Peeyush Sekhsaria
Nature Educator, Author of many children’s books

Mallika Ravikumar
Author. Writes about Environment and History

Girish Punjabi
Wildlife Biologist, Wildlife Conservation Trust

Savita Uday
Researcher, Farmer, Folklorist. Founder - BuDa Folklore

Vaishnavi Giri
Illustrator and children’s books author