EGO vs ECO is a concept that best describes what we intend to do here. These are basically two different, polar opposite ways of living with nature.
Theorised by some ecologists, ‘EGO’ is a state of living in which man thinks he is above all other organisms and living beings in the natural world.
Whereas ‘ECO’ is a situation where man lives in harmony, and mutual respect with other living beings, sharing the resources of nature while respecting it.
At The Youth COSMO (TYC), our goal is to imbibe the values of ‘ECO-system’ among children. To help them understand that every organism, from the infinitesimal bacteria to the gigantic Banyan tree, are all a part of nature like us.
We feel it is our sole purpose to bring about a positive shift in the minds of children from looking at the environment as a resource pool to the environment as a living, breathing, thriving world, of which we are a part.
Through TYC, we want to get children to acknowledge the fact that all species are equal and important for life to go on. For the planet to sustain. To be humble and respectful towards the environment and be mindful of its resources.
Essentially, TYC will create a strong value system in children, wherein we deeply imbibe the fact that nature is the creator and we are a part of it. Not the master of it.
While we were brainstorming for the name of our initiative, we wanted something that signifies an effort powered by young minds and how their collective strength can be directed towards the betterment of the earth.
The Youth COSMO, for us is a point of convergence, where 2 prime ideas - One, Conservation and Sustainability Movement for the Earth
- And Two, the fact that it is powered by the Youth - beautifully come together.
Conservation : Of nature and the species living in it. Share knowledge, tools and means to conserve the resources around us.
Sustainability : Sustainability is a word that is loosely used left, right and centre. Where in fact, Sustainability or Sustainable living is a practice. It’s a shift in habits. It’s accepting a certain way of life that is enriching for us and healthy for the planet.
Our culture and old ways of living have been planet friendly. But somewhere along the way, these old methods of living have been lost. We want to introduce this simple but forgotten science to our young friends, coupled with experiential learning to bring about all round development in their personality and thoughts.
Movement : Our effort is not just an experiment of some kind. It’s a movement. It’s a collective and collaborative effort for the greater good.
Nature is the greatest teacher. Her forests, Her fields, Her oceans and Her streams are the best classrooms.
Our children are at a stage where opinions and thoughts are still taking shape.
We want to focus on children this early in their lives to foster a responsible mindset towards nature.
We believe that if children in their formative years are given the chance to experience, explore, ask questions by learning about nature, they will grow to love, respect and protect it as their own.
If they are taught early on about loving fellow living beings, to be kind to animals, to be respectful of the habitat around them, then the problems of waste, animal cruelty, destruction of natural habitat will automatically reduce.
We firmly believe that if children are made aware of the importance of our environment at a mindset level, the decisions they make as they grow up will be positive for the earth and hence for mankind.
This thought is what drives us to do what we have decided to do.
Saving our planet, one child at a time.